Portable Flame-Ionisation-Detector iFiD Mobile for continuous monitoring
19" Rack Flame-Ionisation-Detector iFiD Rack for continuous monitoring
Outdoor Flame-Ionisation-Detector iFiD Wall for continuous monitoring
This analyzer is designed to measure volatile organic compounds in SHED-chambers of different sizes
iFiD NMHC for continuous monitoring of NMHC, THC and CH4
19" Rack Flame-Ionisation-Detector for continuous monitoring of two parallel channels
Portable Flame-Ionisation-Detector FID 2010T for continuous monitoring of THC
The Flame-Ionisation-Detector 1230 Module for continuous monitoring of THC
The flame-ionization-detector 1230 IH for continuous high temperature (400°C) monitoring of THC
The Flame-Ionisation-Detector 3001W for continuous outdoor monitoring of THC
Methane only / Total Hydrocarbon monitoring system (Change-over switch)
19" rack version Flame-Ionisation Detector for continuous monitoring of THC/CH4 and NMHC
The Flame-Ionisation-Detector 2000 MP for continuous monitoring of THC with autocal system over 4 spangasports
Flame-Ionisation-Detector 2000 MP SHED for continuous monitoring of THC in SHED-chambers
The air purifier CAP 15 produces clean and hydrocarbon-free air out of normal compressed air
The air purifier CAP 30 produces clean and hydrocarbon-free air out of normal compressed air.
The heated transferline is made of a stainless steal tube with a soldered heater.
The gas station is fitted with all supply gases which are necessary for a FID measurement.
The heated prefilter model iFiD Filter is a sample gas filter for all high temperature applications. The filter itself has a permanent temperature up to 300°C.
The heated prefilter model iFiD Filter XL is a sample gas filter for high temperature applications with a permanent temperature up to 300°C.
The heated prefilter model iFiD Backwash M1 is a sample gas filter which can be flushbacked by an electronic solenoid valve.
The heated prefilter model iFiD Backwash M2 is a sample gas filter which can be flushbacked
The filter inlet model iFid filter is a flushbackable filter unit for all heated Testa Gasfilters
The heated three-way solenoid valve is made for switching two heated lines on one analyzer.
Heated solenoid valve for SHED chamber
Heated Inlet Protection Filter
Automotive Sample system
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